You need:
Big screen for calling numbers
Laptop or PC connected your big screen and internet
Lucky7 flyers
Bingo dabbers, pens or markers

Setting up:
Print as many flyers as you think you will need

Sell flyers at £1 (or any value) - pub bingo law states that 100% of the stake must be paid out
Each player needs a bingo dabber, pen or marker
Read out the rules
State the value of the prize
Open the random number generator and show on your big screen (link appears below when
you deposit) - press F11 to go full screen.

1. Numbers will be called one at a time
2. Mark off the corresponding number on your sheet if you have it
3. The first player(s) to correctly mark off all seven of their numbers wins

  • FREE after you deposit
  • Print your own
  • Six flyers per A4 sheet
  • As many as you need
  • Printer ink saving
Sheets of 6 flyers: